Thursday, December 24, 2009

Really I should know better. I've been told before not to be out in town alone later then 9PM. Since nothing's ever happen to me, I have taken the advice for granted and fudge the time I'm out to later. Really 9:00 seems so early to be in the house. But there's a reason.
One night I was driving home alone around 9:30. The streets were mostly deserted, but a few cars remained out. On one of the major intersections, I saw a scuffle between 4 or 5 boys. It looked like the 4 boys were beating the one boy. Then, before I had time to react, they picked him up and forced him into the back seat of the car. It was a kidnapping! I'd read about them in Phnom Penh! But to witness one! It was traumatizing. There are no police to call and report to. Even if the police were helpful, I don't know their number. I couldn't do a thing. I definitely wasn't going to get involved. It was probably gang or loan related, but it was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.
I'll be more careful about getting home early from now on.


Nathan Chan said...

Wow! When did this happen... obviously not on xmas eve...

Unknown said...

Oh no! Make an early bedtime, please!! :-)

I enjoy looking through your updates! And next time, I'll give a missionary a big hug, just for you!! Love you! Glad you get to be home!!